26 May 2007

Oh it's Hot, Hot, Hot!!!

Hello all. I haven't updated in a while because this place is like groundhog day. Same thing every day. There have been some happenings lately I thought I would write about. First of all it's getting hot. How hot you ask? Well, check this out:Yeah, that outside temp is 110 degrees, and that is in the shade. I am coping though. Drinking alot of water and staying hydrated. I am still doing alot of walking which will hopefully be good for the wasteline. I am sporting a new look too. Check it out:
The floppy hat helps with the heat. I am still working hard and trying to keep busy. It helps to know that what I do is appreciated by people back home. The following is an example of what I am talking about. A parent of one of Heather's students heard about my being out here and she had the students decorate some fabric panels. She then made a blanket to send to me. Take a look.
There is also an article online. The newspaper came by to see what the kids were doing. Read here. It is nice to know we have the support of the American people. As hard of a job as it is, it is easier when we don't have celebrities calling us terrorists. Something like this reminds me of why we do this job. Maybe one day the children here can enjoy a life like the one ours do. A good thought to remember on Memorial Day, that many servicemen sacrifice to make a better world for all, and many appreciate it. Well, that is all I have. I hope you all enjoy the pictures and are doing well. God Bless.